Tri-Regio Meeting 2021
We are delighted to announce the 8th annual Tri-Regional Stem Cell and Developmental Biology Meeting. Due to the ongoing COVID19-pandemic, the 2021 edition is going VIRTUAL via Zoom and therefore be held exceptionally on two consecutive mornings,
Thursday 30 September & Friday 1 October 2021.
For those new to the region, this meeting has been successfully connecting developmental and stem cell biologists of the Tri-Regio for the last 7 years. It provides an informal platform for PhD students and Postdocs to present their work and receive feedback from their peers.
This edition is going to keep its tradition of having two keynote speakers and 15 minute talks selected from submitted abstracts. Additionally, in place of a poster session, we will add a flash talk session on both days, to be selected from the submitted abstracts.
Registration is free of charge but required!
New Deadline for registration: September 14th
Plenary Speakers:
Alice MEUNIER | IBENS, CNRS, INSERM, Paris Lab webpage
Stefano PICCOLO | University of Padua Lab webpage